
Has anybody other than Bandolero noticed the new terminology the mainstream media is feeding the masses these days? They are words such as “transformative”, “de-platform” and probably many more that we could mention if we could remember what they are. Regardless of what they are, or may be, the truth of the matter is that freedom of speech has been emasculated. It has become acceptable to censor things that the Woke Police have decreed should be removed from a woke society that’s sensitive to the sensitivities of certain populations, particularly, minority populations such as blacks and native americans and gays and lesbians and other sexual identifications and illegal immigrants. Things that were written in the pre-woke days of our country are systematically being hidden away in dark cavernous vaults in Montana and the Dakotas so that these minorities won’t accidentally see them and be insulted, and so that others won’t get the idea that it’s okay to write such things. We wonder, though, whether this might be counter-productive to the interests of these minorities. Without these examples of what’s non-woke and inappropriate, new generations won’t know what’s non-woke and inappropriate and, as time goes by, may inadvertently or possibly even intentionally repeat the errors of the pre-woke ways of our deceased forebears and senior citizens who will soon be deceased forebears rather than Social Security burdens upon the new economy envisioned by millennials who feel entitled to free college and have no idea who Bat Masterson or Roy Rogers were, much less any appreciation for those who fought and died to create the country and save it from Nazis and Commies and other Europeans who were led by the millions to believe that socialism and fascism were better for the human race than the American Way. The point is, “censorship” used to be a nasty word in this country, it being understood that it was condemned and prohibited by our very Constitution (actually, by one of the amendments to it that are referred to as the Bill of Rights). People used to say, “i may disagree with your words, but I’ll fight to the death for your right to say them.” No more! Only words that have been approved by the Woke Police are deemed to be protected these days. One only need to mine the archives of Netflix or any of the streaming media movie collections to find any number of examples depicting nasty evil governments and dictatorships that arrested people and sent them to re-training camps after they spoke words or sentences that were officially prohibited (censored), or to watch scenes of book burnings that senior citizens and deceased forebears used to watch with dismay and disgust and gave thanks that such could never happen here! Well, good-bye Mr. Clemens; adios Dr. Seuss. And don’t get us started about statues. Good-bye, America. It was good while it lasted. But, fear not, patriots. El Bandolero has not given up, has not surrendered, and most importantly, has lost neither love for nor devotion to the principles of freedom one may find in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. El Bandolero will continue to fight for our principles. Well, er, wait a minute. The word “fight” will probably get red-flagged by some algorithm employed by the Woke Police and their strong-arm agents. So, instead, El Bandolero declares that he will continue to stand up for our principles.