El Bandolero Spurts Again!

Seems like things around here happen in spurts. That is, Bandolero has a brief episode of activity, then weeks and months of nothing. This is not really fair to Bandolero’s faithful followers. On the other hand, it’s a fun way to mess with his detractors and enemies and agents of corrupt governments whose job it is to watch Bandolero’s every move and every word. They can’t afford anything less than round the clock diligence, they can’t even afford to blink, for fear they might miss the one key piece of evidence they’re so desperate to find. Anybody who blinks jeopardizes their career, their reputation, their moment of glory. So, Bandolero works below the radar for stretches of time while they watch his blog and see nothing as days, weeks, even months pass. Bandolero enjoys imagining the scene that must take place when finally something shows up on the blog. Agents suddenly scrambling for their phones, checking their equipment to be sure it’s on, their adrenaline suddenly pumping, hearts racing, the worst state to be in when one is expected to perform with the cool calculated calm of a professional. Yes, Bandolero has appeared! Not just the Outlaw Bandolero, but the Guerrilla Bandolero!

Hey, guys: Boo!

Ha-ha-ha! El Bandolero has struck again! To his loyal followers and comrades Bandolero says, “Get out your official Bandolero Decrypto-Ciphers and calibrate to setting Alpha-Victor-Zulu at precisely oh-nineteen sixty to decode the secret coded message in this posting, and follow the instructions for your next mission. To his detractors and enemies and agents of corrupt governments Bandolero says, “Nanny-nanny-boo-boo!”


About Bandolero

Bandolero is an acrominical phoneme dissimilar in many ways from the phenominal esprit de la monastic pheronome widely observed in the montanas and sometimes mistaken for somebody else.