Category Archives: Misc

Bandolero Loves Jayhawks

So while watching the NCAA Championship game Bandolero upgraded his WordPress Blog to version 2.5. What a weird thing for El Bandolero to be doing. But, if not, Bandolero would be jumping out of his boots and holsters from the excitement and anxiety. In fact, game not over yet; it’s in overtime. Will Jayhawks pull it out? El Bandolero says: Rock Chalk!


El Bandolero is a savvy outlaw when it comes to computers. He always carries one or two laptops in his saddlebags, along with a plethora of peripherals. Lately, on account of an untimely Windoze crash at an inopportune moment when he was sorely in need of a Google map in order to execute a smooth getaway, he’s been experimenting with Linux. It turned out that Knoppix was just the thing, because it could be carried around on his key ring and inserted in a little old USB port whenever he was inclined to boot up something other than Bill’s Demon Child.

Anybody else interested in following Bandolero’s lead can pick up their own portable Unix at  Knoppernet.


Mmm, Bandolero loves them carnitas, and tonight was a carnita feast at Casa Estefan. Mrs. Estefan defroze the carnita meat, which came from Costco, she said, though this was something Bandolero found hard to believe, even though he had no reason to believe otherwise, since he had never tasted Costco carnita meat one way or another, that he knew of. He might have had some in the past without knowing it, as he didn’t always ask his hosts and hostesses where they got their carnita meat. Still, he was doubtful. In any event, it was really really good.