Category Archives: Villains

Pardon Me?

After repeatedly insisting that he wouldn’t do it, President Biden has pardoned Hunter. Furthermore, it’s a sweeping pardon that covers not only crimes Hunter has been convicted of or charged with, but any other crimes he might be found to have committed during the past ten years. Those who’ve been telling us Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and a fascist without respect for the Constitution or rule of law, have been silent about Biden’s exhibition of the very traits they wanted us to fear from Trump. Therefore, we feel compelled to speak up about it.

It’s a sad day for the country and its citizens except one: Hunter Biden. We’re waiting to see if Hunter speaks up and declares that, given the nation’s interest in justice and his personal interest in dignity and self-respect, he will not accept the pardon and will waive all benefits thereof. He could hold a press conference and say, “Hey, I didn’t ask dad for this and, in fact, I begged him not to do it and to let the wheels of justice turn in due course and dispense such judgment upon me as deemed fair and appropriate. I have always stood ready to accept the outcome and to render whatever penance might be demanded by Lady Justice.” Even though this would have no legal effect, it would at least make him look better.
We’d be amenable to forgiving Biden’s lies and duplicity and to respecting Hunter’s disclaimer if President Biden were to exhibit a fair, balanced, and unbiased hand in the matter and pardon Donald Trump from all the lawfare charges and convictions levied upon him over the past ten years. He could, with an entirely straight face, rationalize Trump’s pardon on the basis of best interest of the nation, a basis that’s glaringly absent in Hunter’s pardon. Additionally, he has never said he wouldn’t pardon Trump.

It’s a good thing we’re not holding our breath while waiting for the left, the media, Joe, and Hunter to speak up as suggested above. It (holding our breath) would result in our last adios, the termination of our mission to bring truth to a nation that’s suffocating in lies, and the end of a revolution to defend, save, and protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to restore the rule of law, and to rejuvenate pride in being citizens of the United States of America.

The question people should be asking about the pardon instead of acting surprised about it is this: Why now? Why not wait a month and do it a couple days before leaving office? That’s when most presidents issue a slough of pardons, especially any that may be unpopular. Perhaps he feared he might forget. Perhaps he’s been having chest pains and feared he might die before getting it done. Bandolero, however, discerns a more nefarious scenario.

We suggest that Democratic leadership in concert with Kamala Harris have persuaded Biden to step down from office so that Harris can be sworn in as the first female President of the United States. They probably gave him the choice to either resign voluntarily or suffer the ignomy of removal under the 25th Amendment. Biden however, not trusting Harris to fulfill a promise to pardon Hunter in exchange for his resignation, decided to get it done asap.

UPDATE 2025-01-06: Only two weeks from inauguration and our prediction of Biden’s resignation and Harris’s installation has not transpired. There’s still time, but it seems unlikely. Instead, Biden has gone on pardoning binge and, most recently, issued an “Executive Order”


Imitation may be the highest form of flattery, but there are cases when it’s simply imitation, at best and, more often, cases when it’s deceptive, dishonest, fraudulent, artificial, bogus, etc. Bandolero is often the object of such imitation. Usually, the difference between the genuine Bandolero and his imitators is obvious to all, even those of challenged mental faculties. Nevertheless, it is not to be taken lightly, and Bandolero takes it seriously. Bandolero stands for the loftiest of principles; honesty, integrity, and loyalty being just a few. Bandolero has determined that it is time to emphasize the extent to which he takes these matters seriously, and to emphasize the extent to which he will act to defend his good name and reputation. To that end, those who would imitate Bandolero are put on notice that, should they do so, or attempt to do so, they act at their peril. They will, sooner or later, at such time, place, and opportunity as seems best to Bandolero, be dealt with in such fashion and in such manner as Bandolero considers to be most appropriate and most effective to terminate same; and “same” may be construed to mean either the imitation or the imitator, or both, as the case may be. Of course, this does not mean, and should not be construed to mean, or to suggest or imply, that Bandolero would intentionally harm the person or body of such an imitator inasmuch as this might be interpreted in today’s woke environment as a threat of bodily harm or injury. Such intent or action should never be attributed to Bandolero or to anything he or his advisers or his compadres or his loyal followers might say, write, or otherwise broadcast. Nevertheless, if and when such an imitator draws first, whether in words or otherwise, he/she/they can be assured that Bandolero will draw in self-defense in like fashion and the outcome will most assuredly end with Bandolero standing strong and the imitator, not so much.

Meanwhile, Bandolero takes this opportunity to assure his loyal fans and followers that he has not been resting on his laurels or his La-Z-Boy or anything else. While the length of time between his reports (“posts” as they say in social media circles) may cause some to wonder if he’s still out there crusading for the causes of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, it is only because he is so engaged in such pursuits that he is left with too little time to rest on his laurels or elsewhere and take time out to author reports of his actions and the progress of the cause. Fear not, worry not, and doubt not that Bandolero stands vigilant and, whenever the need arises (and it is always risen), he acts. But he must act without applause, without recognition, and without glory because these would impair and impede his effectiveness. Rest assured, Bandolero is there, wherever and whenever needed, for you.

And, imposters beware!

And, one more thing. Bandolero’s faithful webmaster has attended to several glitches and minor annoyances that were manifest in Bandolero’s website. Most were “behind the scenes”, that is, things that visitors wouldn’t recognize as defects or shortcomings, or things that when fixed would actually make anything look different. One exception to this is the addition of the “Go To Top” button at the bottom of pages. This button lets people get back to the menu without having to scroll all the way up from the bottom. Another exception is the restoration of the “hamburger” menu icon that shows up on small screens. It had disappeared quite some time ago, but has been restored. Well done, Harpshot!


Election Deniers

Bandolero has observed that the Democrats and MSM (Main Stream Media – although these days it’s questionable that it can be said to be main stream) are more and more strenuously shouting about “election deniers” who are a threat to democracy. They go out of their way to identify candidates they can brand as “election deniers”, and proclaim that the election of such Republicans would bring the end of democracy.

Wow. The outcome of an election would mean the end of democracy. Really? Such an assertion is patently irrational and, frankly, ought not to require a response. However, failure to respond before today’s electorate risks being taken as fear of exposure that it may be true. So, what has been the Republican response to this absurd claim? They dance the Tennessee Two-Step. As one of our favorite podcasters says to start his programs, “Oh, my goodness!” Where have the Republicans parked their cajones? And, yes, we are aware that female candidates don’t, literally, have cajones, we use the term metaphorically and apologize to anyone whose feelings may be hurt by our doing so.

What constitutes Republican “election denial” after the 2020 election pales, and pales tremendously, beside the election denial engaged in by Democrats after the 2016 election. Hillary Clinton is on record (video and audio) claiming that she did not, in fact, lose the election but, rather, that it was stolen from her. Schumer and Schiff and their Democrat cohorts engaged in a nearly four year campaign of lies about Trump’s collusion with Putin and Russia. They went so far as to fabricate false claims, and to present perjured documents, to conduct surveillance on Trump’s campaign in their efforts to get the Department of Justice to indict Trump for fabricated crimes. They brought groundless impeachments against him. They unleashed every sort of political assassination they could muster in their efforts to unseat the duly elected president. The waste of legislative time and resources that they devoted to their specious efforts instead of to their elected duties has been swept under the carpet by the MSM, in derogation of its obligation to inquire, investigate, discover and publicize facts and truths in pursuit of what they claim to be the public’s “right to know”.

Election deniers? ¡Díos mío! Give us a break! Anybody who wants to espouse an opinion that an election, or any other event, was contaminated by irregularities has the guaranteed right, by virtue of the First Amendment, to state their opinion, regardless of whether they have evidence to prove it. Everybody else has the right to point out that they have no evidence. But to declare, as a matter of government policy, that those who express such opinions are a threat to democracy, is by far the greater threat to democracy. The demonization by Democrats of “election deniers” is an affront to, and an attack upon, the Constitution and Bill of Rights. That, my amigos, is the real threat to democracy that’s at stake in this election. What Bandolero doesn’t understand is why the Republicans don’t have the cajones to just say so. It’s almost enough to convince a person that what’s needed isn’t just a Republican sweep, but a Clean Sweep. Throw them ALL out. For now, however, the first step is to put Republicans in the majority of the House and Senate. Then, we can work on 2024.