Category Archives: Misc

And Another Year Is Gone

We looked and then we looked again because it was inconceivable the last post was in December of 2009. We pondered the possibility that the database had an accident or something and a year’s worth of posts had got lost or deleted. Come to think of it, that might’ve been a decent excuse, if it had been true. Bandolero, however, as you all well know, is a man of truth and honor, so that was not an option, tempting as it was. But, now, at least, we have this new post, even though it adds little, if nothing, to the wealth of knowledge Bandolero has always hoped, and still hopes, to contribute to the world. Do not despair, amigos. Bandolero rides still!

More Work on Website and Truth

Bandolero can’t believe it’s been a month since last post, nor that the last post dealt with Memoirs Chapter 3. Seems like Chapter 3 was done just a week or so ago. Maybe Bandolero revised it just a week or so ago. In any case, the website itself has had some work done it, and this happened today, so Bandolero doesn’t have to worry about how much time really has gone by in contrast to how much time it seems has gone by. The work today was to add a dropdown menu for the Memoirs, to allow for selection of Chapters directly from the main menu instead of having to go through them from links on the Memoirs pages.

How about this post? What a wealth of information!

Anybody got Google Wave? Bandolero’s good friend, HarpShot, got Google Wave. He says it ain’t all that hot yet. They call it “preview”, which apparently is a stage of development before even “beta”. Lots of people out there consider it very “cool” to have Wave. So, HarpShot must be cool. Bandolero is not interested in whether others think he is “cool” or not. Bandolero is interested only in revealing truth to the citizenry. Everything in this post, for example, is true. Some people have the notion that there are degrees of “truth”. They think, for example, that truth is merely the absence of lies. According to their point of view, as long as one doesn’t lie, one has told the truth. Bandolero does not subscribe to this point of view. Withholding the truth, when the truth ought to be disclosed, is the same as lying, as far as Bandolero is concerned. You can be assured that when Bandolero speaks (or writes), Bandolero has not merely abstained from lying, but has told (or written) the whole truth, withholding nothing that a reasonable and curious person would consider to be material information for purposes of making informed decisions or opinions about the subject matter concerning which Bandolero has spoken (or written). This is Bandolero’s promise.

Never Fear, Bandolero is Near!

It has come to our attention that many of you have become concerned lest ill fortune has befallen your leader and hero, Bandolero. Fear not, compadres. Bandolero is alive and well! The paucity of postings is due to an extended period of planning and contemplation regarding the next phase of the Revolution. This Revolution is unlike other revolutions, because seldom is change of the magnitude foreseen brought about by non-violent means. Yet, the Revolution as foreseen by Bandolero is founded upon a theme of non-violence! This makes the challenge all the greater. This makes the challenge one that few other than Bandolero would even consider taking on. Yet this is what Bandolero has done!

So, be patient and stay tuned, amigos. When it happens, it will be breathtaking! You don’t want to be twittering about your soggy breakfast cereal when the time comes!