Category Archives: Society

Buckle Up

Bandolero is aghast and distraught over recent events. People who engaged in rioting and vandalism in the Capitol are called criminals who engaged in an insurrection. People who engaged in rioting and vandalism in Seattle and New York are called protesters who engaged in free speech. Videos of the activities of both are virtually indistinguishable other than for their location. Incredibly, the actions at the Capitol are blamed on President Trump and senators who voted against the certification of the Electoral College votes that made the election of Joe Biden finally official. Painting the senators as seditionists exposes the height of arrogance, imperiousness, pretentiousness, and superciliousness the left has achieved. Video of what President Trump said does not reveal the incitement that’s alleged. We’re witnessing the unmasking of the leftist juggernaut. Having taken the presidency and emasculated the Senate, the left has pulled out all the stops in furtherance of their goal of eradicating conservatism by equating it with sedition, insurrection, and treason. If you disagree with them, then you are a terrorist. If you disagree with them, then you are not exercising your right to free speech, you are inciting insurrection, sedition, and terrorism. If you disagree with them you should be prosecuted as a criminal and imprisoned; or, perhaps, sent to a camp in Alaska for “re-training”.

We listened to President-elect Biden claim that his “over-arching goal” is to unify the country. But, when we listened to the rest of his remarks, it was obvious that he considers “unification” to be the silencing of conservatism. What he meant was, “The country will be unified when the conservatives surrender.” If you oppose the Green New Deal, you’ll be labeled a Nazi, a fascist, an insurrectionist, a terrorist. In fact, go ahead and try to oppose the Green New Deal! You won’t find an effective platform from which to do so, because your words will be deemed to violate “civil norms”, and you will be barred from the platform.

We just heard that the Democrats are referring to what’s coming as “transformative change”. Indeed. They have their sights set on transforming the United States from capitalism to socialism, or perhaps communism. Things are certainly going to get interesting. The initiation of a new war on terror is under way, but the “terror” is the voice of opposition which is the voice of the Constitution. Buckle up and prepare to say “good-bye” to it.

Get Woke

El Bandolero is always on the lookout for educational materials that may be of interest to his followers, fans, and admirers as well as to his detractors. While it is true that El Bandolero possesses a quantum of knowledge unmatched by his contemporaries, regardless of the camp to which they swear allegiance, or to which they claim membership, or perhaps to which they belong by inaction, default, ignorance, or stupidity, it is also true that he admires those who freely share knowledge and/or information that may be of value, or at least be of interest, to any of the campers. That said, El Bandolero herewith takes his sombrero off to Darrin McBreen who posted this video called, “Get Woke with BLM“. Some may be offended and, indeed, it starts with a warning that requires potential viewers to acknowledge such. There may also be an age restriction. Bandolero is pretty sure his compadres would find it hilarious but feels obliged to warn that others may find this video to be politically incorrect, even though it’s funny as hell.

When the Looting Starts

A few days ago there was a social maelstrom when the President of the United States posted a tweet that said, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” Multitudes of pundits,  talking heads, commentators, so-called journalists, Hollywood celebrities, sports figures and, of course, minority “leaders”, condemned the President’s tweet as a call to violence and a racist dog whistle calling his base to action.

Say what? ¿Dice qué? ¿Cómo?

What makes that remark racial? What makes it an incitement to violence? It appears to be an observation, maybe a statement of the obvious, and perhaps a warning to everybody. If he had said, “When the looting starts, it’ll be the minorities doing it and they should be shot” or if he had said, “When the looting starts, people should start shooting black protesters” then they’d have a valid point.

Maybe he could have said, “If looting starts, people could get shot, and we certainly don’t want that to happen.” No doubt they’d  infer something sinister in that, as well. They’d say, “It’s Trump! It’s code to his base! We know what he meant!”

That’s a big part of how we got a divided country; talking heads who have the public believing that they have such insight that they can tell us what a person meant even though what they said or did pretty well spoke for itself, to anyone with common sense.

Bandolero lays his sombrero on the grass in the cool shade of a cyprus tree where he’s settled for a rest after several hours in the saddle. He lights a cigar, leans back against the tree trunk, gazes across the landscape, and wonders, “¿Es el público realmente tan estúpido?” Receiving no answer after several minutes, he stands and walks to the edge of a nearby canyon. His keen eyes spot an eagle soaring easily in the updrafts, gliding gracefully in wide circles searching for truth. Bandolero cups his hands to his mouth and shouts, “¿Es el público realmente tan estúpido?” He waits anxiously and, after a few seconds, the answer echoes back to his breathless ears.

¡Claro que si!